Tag Archives: Juggling

Sisterly Love

Maybe three posts in a single day is too much, but I’d rather write than pack. So for today, I am the Packing Procrastination Princess 🙂

In less than 24 hours I will be in Indianapolis, Indiana for the start of the NCAA Career in Sports Forum. It is essentially a conference about college athletics, coaching, and administration with a couple hundred other NCAA student-athletes chosen to represent their school. NYU was extremely lucky and had 4 student-athletes chosen, and I believe we’re one of the schools with the most participants. Because there are not many flights that arrive before 11AM in Indianapolis from San Diego, I have to leave a day early, which means I have to start packing in about 15 minutes.

Anyways, today’s post is about my younger sister, Twist. She’s a spunky, soccer-loving, super athletic, sixteen year old sophomore who’s dreams are to go to University of Oregon (Go Ducks?!). Even though we may not get along, she’s my sister, and I support her because I love her and she will be famous one day, hopefully on an international soccer platform. Here are few facts and cool pictures about my soccer fanatic sister.



  1. Her real name is not Twist, rather Melissa Ann Patten. She probably will kill me for putting that on the world wide web, oh well! She got her name when she first started walking, and you could follow her path of destruction, just like a Twister.

     National Hug a Soccer Ball Day

    National Hug a Soccer Ball Day

  2. Her juggling record is 2813. I don’t know how she does that, but she does. She loves juggling and constantly points out that she is infinitely better than I am.

    The Queen of Rainbows

    The Queen of Rainbows

  3. She is a health-nut through and through. I cannot even sneak a sip of gatorade without her telling me that I probably need to run another 30 minutes to burn it all off.

    Nutrition Nerd at Heart

    Nutrition Nerd at Heart

  4. She is a wonder twin with her best friend Sam Staab who is practically a part of the Patten family. When they came and visited me at school, they pretended they were twins and everybody bought it.

    Sam winning Nationals

    Sam winning Nationals

  5. She can recite every women’s national team and national pool player and their college.  She loves the beautiful game, what can I say? Plus she is now Rachel Buehler’s training partner when she comes into town – how cool is that?

    At the Women's World Cup with her training partner and Surf Alum Rachel Buehler

    At the Women’s World Cup with her training partner and Surf Alum Rachel Buehler

Jam of the Day: The Champ by Nelly