Tag Archives: East Coast Volleyball

Grass Volleyball Tournament Round Two

A few weeks after MayFest, Dave and I got back in the car and headed to Horsham, PA for his second grass volleyball tournament of the season. This tournament was a lot of fun for me because I knew a few more people this go-around and was able to take lots of snapshots of the guys in action. Though it rained (well, poured, by my California standards), I once again had a great time watching Dave, and his partner, Kris, dominate on the courts.

May Fest

This weekend I ventured down to Hanover Park, Pennsylvania with Dave to watch him in his first (grass) volleyball tournament of the summer. Dave played in MayFest with his buddy, Doug, and they absolutely killed it. Not only did I have so much fun learning the different rules of the game (compared to indoor), but I met so many wonderful people in the volleyball community.

Here’s to many more adventures and tournaments this summer. Enjoy the pics!