Tag Archives: selfie

The Art of the “Selfie”

So the other day I found myself experimenting with my Canon in the middle of hundreds of people during rush hour in Grand Central, then once again at Rockefeller Plaza under the Christmas tree. It felt like an eternity since I had pulled out the ‘beast’ I so aptly named last Spring, so I decided to start practicing again. I know it’s self indulgent to take photos of yourself, but hey, since  I am traveling by myself to España I ‘indulged’ myself per se and wrote about on how to take the perfect selfie in three easy steps (no Snapchats allowed!).


Step One: Make sure your camera is focused. As you can see below, this picture is a tad out of focus which (to me) is really bothersome so make sure you can clearly see yourself.

A little blurry and a lot funny looking

A little blurry and a lot funny looking


Step Two: Make sure you can see the background behind you – position yourself to one side or another otherwise you won’t be able to see the glorious (insert monument,statue, landmark here). If your arms are to close and you’re zoomed in, all you’ll be able to see is your lovely (insert body part here).IMG_3823

Step Three: Always smile. Nothing is worse than somebody who refuses to show their pearly whites.IMG_3825