Tag Archives: San Diego Sealions

What’s New My Friends?

It’s been awhile, and to say that I’ve missed blogging would certainly be an understatement. I’d like to say that I’ve been busier than usual, but that would be a lie, especially considering my life in New York, but I’ve been busy nonetheless, so here’s an update on everything in my life.

I came back to sunny San Diego on May 18th and have loved every second of it. A few days after getting back, complete with jet lag and all, I started my internship at Fitness Quest 10 – one of the top gyms in the country, home to multiple IDEA and ACE Trainers of the Year. I’ve been on the marketing side of things which includes making videos, shooting photos, editing social media posts and aiding in the editing of monthly newsletters which is definitely up my alley. I love the environment, the people, and culture of the gym, but what I’ve learned so far is that I definitely NEED an active environment when I grow up. This internship has also REAFFIRMED my love for wearing athletic gear in the workplace.

I’ve also been practicing with a semi-professional team since coming home, the WPSL San Diego Sealions. The practices are super-intense, fitness-filled, butt-kicking workouts. I don’t think I’ve ever run so much in my life, but I know it will all pay off come July 28th, when I head back to New York for preseason. The team is incredible though, the girls, although some are almost 12 years older than me, are so fast and skilled and dedicated – it really gives me something to look up to as a collegiate athlete. These girls not only have time for jobs, but practices and fitness sessions and family – it truly is INCREDIBLY INSPIRING. Tonight, they are playing in their final game before nationals.

Since I’ve been home, the weekends have seemed to literally slip through my fingers like sand at the beach. Last weekend was my Mom’s birthday and we went to the Fleetwood Mac concert with some friends then I drove her and Dad and Twist down to the airport a mere few hours later so they could go to Portland, OR and Seattle, WA to see a soccer game and her sister. The weekend before I was in Parker and the previous weekend I was in Huntington Beach channeling my inner-beach bum with Lauren – twas an amazing fun-filled weekend. As I write this post, I glance at the calendar and begin to wonder how the past six weeks have flown by.

This weekend has been one for the books. On Friday I went to Baked Bear with some of the interns. Saturday was filled with Bootcamp and a beach day with Jesse, Justin and their cousins, picked up my BFF, Kate, from the airport, and hanging with my mom for her bar crawl. Today, I came home to the group of interns surprising me at the house for a goodbye party. I immediately burst into tears, stunned at the gesture. I cannot even begin to put into words how much these people have impacted my life in the past 6 weeks. They’ve taught me to love, and be compassionate,and above all, taught me to follow my heart. I love them dearly, and leaving San Diego this week is going to be that much harder because I had 9 beautiful people come into my life this summer.

It’s national ice cream day so I’m off to nom on some ice cream and watch Batman: Dark Knight Rises.

Until next time