Tag Archives: Nerves

The Importance of Embracing Nerves

A photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger with his arms outstretched and the word CONQUER overlaid his body, is pasted to a composition notebook outlining my marathon training plan. On the back is an image of me racing in the NYC 10K on a rainy Saturday last October – a tired smile plastered across my face.  Taped to the inside cover is a table listing out my scheduled mileage, cross-training days, and recovery sessions – a bible of sorts. I have carried around this journal with me everywhere the past 17 weeks and written out the details to every run, workout, and physical therapy appointments to date.  It is a constant physical reminder of a race I’ve had my eyes set on for quite some time now – the Marine Corps Marathon.

I began my training in Mid-June, as I wrapped up my 9+1 qualification for the 2017 NYC Marathon. My runs started off short and fast and over the past couple months evolved into longer, slower runs throughout Hoboken. On some of the hotter days, I thought to myself training would never end and I couldn’t wait for October. But then today, I woke up and as I scrolled through my Facebook feed I came across this post from the Marine Corps Marathon Facebook page and began to casually freak out.

How are we already down to NINE DAYS before the Marine Corps Marathon? I feel like it was only yesterday when I was struggling to complete my six-mile “long run” in the blazing heat and humidity. Even though I’ve been diligently training and focused on my goal of completing CRUSHING this marathon over the course of the last six months, I could not feel more anxious (and tapering isn’t helping).

I will, however, be the first to admit that the nerves I am feeling are ~good nerves~ they’re proof that running this race is important to me. I know deep down that the only reason I’m nervous is because I’ve never done this before – it’s exciting and nerve-racking at the same time.

I just need to embrace the butterflies and get them flying into formation on Sunday morning.