Tag Archives: Jess

Brussels to Brugge and Back

I think my computer hates me. Not only is it freaking out because of a proxy I put on it, so we can watch Hulu, but I just uploaded about 800 pictures from this weekend. Simply put, this weekend was picture perfect (minus my fourth roommate Alinah being in Portugal).

From Brussels to Brugge

From Brussels to Brugge

On Saturday morning, the boys and us met up in Grand Place after a quick breakfast waffle (notice a recurring theme?) before heading to the Brussels train station. Much to our surprise, we were able to get roundtrip tickets for the five us for €50 which only made our day better. After trying to decode some French signs to catch our train, waiting half an hour and changing tracks we were on our way to Brugge.

Headed to Brugge

Headed to Brugge

The hour and a half train ride through the beautiful countryside took us to the North West part of Belgium. It felt as if I were riding back in time, as I saw numerous dirt roads, small towns, and ancient buildings throughout the trip. When we finally arrived, we walked towards the tallest landmark we could see – the cathedral. The first fifteen minutes of our journey it appeared as if Brugge was just a quiet town with not much going on – man, were we wrong. We ended up walking through multiple plazas, through two cathedrals, and finding a main street with stores similar to that of SoHo in New York.

Kev, Meg, Erin, Jess, and Sam

Kev, Meg, Erin, Jess, and Sam

Brugge is a small, very rich, super photogenic place that kept me enchanted all day. After finding the canals throughout the city, we ended up taking a million pictures of the swans that are unique to the water system, the deeply rooted buildings, and walking along the waterway – it was absolute perfection (despite the flurrying of snow).

Kev and his girls

Kev and his girls

Roommates on the water

Roommates on the water

Around 2:30 we began to get hungry so stepped into a cute little restaurant, Petit Maxim that looked affordable and had a menu du jour (menú del día). I ended up ordering Pâte, a country omlette (without mushrooms) and the chocolate mousse for dessert. Both Sam and Kevin ended up getting the Pâte, Flemish Stew and a side of warm applesauce, which was absolutely divine.

A Brugge-ian Country Omlette

A Brugge-ian Country Omlette

Out of my comfort zone - trying Pheasant Pâte

Out of my comfort zone – trying Pheasant Pâte

Once we finished our Belgian lunch, we continued to walk around but headed back towards the train station. We once again passed a cathedral and decided to enter. Much to our surprise, a mass was going on and we stayed a bit – even though we couldn’t understand a word out of the Dutch priest’s mouth. It was interesting to note that the churches in Brugge had a tribute to victims of sexual assault (because of Catholic Priests) – I had never seen that before.

Before we knew it we were back at the train station chasing down a train. We were all exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep on the hour train back. Luckily for us the train back to Brussels was pulling up to the platform as soon as we walked up. Much to my dismay, I was unable to pass out, but I did unexpectedly find a creative filters feature on my DLSR which kept me busy the whole train ride (below is my favorite picture from the day).

The most faithful dog I ever did see

The most faithful dog I ever did see

I bet you can’t guess what we did as soon as we got back to Brussels. Yup – you guessed it – got some waffles and fries for dinner and then rested at the hotel before heading back out with the boys. Once we finished our scrumptious snacks and got ready, we met Sam and Kevin in Grand Place. Sam had noticed a cool “Rock”bar on the way over and said we should check it out. Turns out the bar was home to the Local Hells Angels crew and we stuck out like a sore thumb. We were out of there and headed to Delirium faster than you can say AC/DC.



Our night at Delirium was hilarious to say the least. As the only Americans in the bar, we ended up singing every word to every song and encouraged everybody to join in. I was a witness to my fair share of dance battles (remind me to take brush up on my European dance moves when I’m back in Spain). We spent another hour in the village and then decided to part ways after we got some frites – the boys had an early flight and we were just exhausted.

Our Favorite Friterie

Our Favorite Friterie

Somehow Jess, Erin, and I wound up at a tiny café eating gyros wraps and found ourselves taking pictures with the owner before heading back to our hotel. We had a great last night in Belgium to say the least. The next morning we were up super early and walked past Delirium to head to the airport. Though our stay was less than two days, I felt like I had known the city for ages.

Making friends while making Halal Food

Making friends while making Halal Food

Once we got to the airport, we made one last ditch effort to find waffles. We proceeded to fail miserably and opted for the much healthier smoothie stand instead. While waiting for our flight, I spotted the Spanish National Rugby Team walking around. Little did we know that they’d be on our flight. Luckily for me, they sat right in front of us and we became immediate friends (sort of, not really, well you get the point). To say it was an awesome way to end an amazing weekend would be an understatement.

That’s all from Brugge – got to get back to work!

Au Revoir!

Just chilling with the Spanish Rugby Team

Just chilling with the Spanish Rugby Team

Delirium: The Morning After

Delirium: The Morning After

Una Semana Sin Escribiendo

Seven days without writing, makes one weak. That much is true for me. First let me begin by apologizing profusely but not posting more sense I’ve been here. Though in my head it seems as if I have tons of free time everyday to go about my life, to write, and explore, the minutes easily turn into hours which slip into days which  transform into a week and I find myself at a complete loss for time. I guess the saying “time flies when you’re having fun” really is true.

My first week in Madrid was definitely one to remember (if only I could remember it all). Each morning was not only a struggle to get out of our beds, but a struggle to find our place in Madrid, our little blip on the map in a city of millions. Each day was an adventure, a new set of challenges faced us and we conquered them (ever so majestically, might I add). Orientation at school began on Monday and consisted of crash courses in Spanish slang and Spanish cultural history, along with  visits to Segovia, the Reina Sofia Museum, walking tours of Sol, a scavenger hunt and a ton of information to get us back on nuestros pies (our feet). I promise to have a blog to recap everything but in the mean time, I think it’d be appropriate to introduce my roommates because you’ll be hearing about them many times throughout the blog, they are absolutely amazing and you probably, most likely, definitely should meet them!

Los Chuptios

Los Chuptios

Jess: This chica (whom I share a room with) hails from the city of Chicago (the actual city) and is never without a smile. She seems to be my partner in crime everywhere we go and we constantly find ourselves being asked “How long have you known each other?” We immediately begin to laugh it off, knowing that the answer is of no importance to our friendship. Jess loves chocolate con churros (like duh!) and we have recently discovered baguettes, strawberry marmalade and cured cheese as our favorite post school snack. She enjoys taking pictures but much to the rest of our apartment’s disappointment, she does not like posting on Facebook (I promise this will be changing sooner than later).IMG_6699

Alina: Also known as #twitterlessalinah in my tweets about los chupitos (our nickname), this girl is la reina (the queen) when going out at night. She may be the last to get ready when we head to school, but without fail Alinah is always dazzling. She’s from Nueva York (NY) and has the style and outgoing personality to match. I know I can always count on her to have a fun time and to quote pretty much anything ranging from our favorite songs,  “The time I studied abroad” tumblr, and “Midd Kids”. Between Jess, Alinah and I we all tend to be bad influences on each other when it comes to food (shown by her love for Pizza, what New Yorker doesn’t?)  but as the Spaniards say “de perdido al río” (from lost to the river – we don’t know what it means either!)IMG_6729

Erin: Another native from Illinois, Erin is from the suburbs of Chicago. She is always prepared and has been to Spain before so she helped us along the first few days with some of the customs we weren’t used to. We’re in 3 of 4 classes together, but I promise her Spanish is much much better than mine and she’s always helping me to with my tarea (homework)! We have bonded over our love of traveling and have found ourselves in deep conversations over coffee back home in the city (She’d never heard of NoHo Deli!) Even when we are “de perdido al río” she’s always smiling and looking on the bright side of things!IMG_6821

These chupitos continue to make me laugh on a daily basis and I can’t wait to update you on our latest adventures and mistrials.

¡’sta luego!