Tag Archives: blogger app

Howdy Y’All

Woo hoo! Made my first leg across the country without any major bumps or bruises (meaning I slept the whole flight) and I’m officially in the Lonestar State. In the short hour that I’ve been here I’ve seen 3 cowboy boot wearing business men, 2 ACL knee braces, and way too much cowboy gear – but it’s all good here! I’m currently trying out the new blogger app on my phone which is pretty cool and means that I can blog on the go all the time! I definitely recommend it if you’re on the go like me 🙂 Next stop New York


Sista and I

Sista and I

Craziness at the gate

Craziness at the gate



Update: Ughh our flight is delayed – so I decided to upload some pictures from our flight!